How To Learn
One teacher asked a group of fourth-grade pupils how they learned to
ride a bike. There were some differences of opinions among the pupils,
but they were agreed on three things:
You've got to really want to.
You've got to keep trying even when you aren't successful.
You've got to fall down a lot.
These are essentials of learning any process, and they illustrate the
need for risk taking and functional practice. To learn to ride a
bike you have to be on a bicycle trying to make it go someplace.
You've got to do it a lot to get really good at it, and you've got
to be willing to make the mistakes that make you fall off but eventually
you get to the point at which you're an effective, efficient bike
rider who only falls when you take new risks.
Vaihda "to ride a bike" tilalle "to make a movie" jne.
- saat kattavan ohjeen siitä mitä elokuvailmaisun opiskelu
vaatii ja miten se onnistuu.
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